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Female Pelvic Pain Rehab
Female Pelvic Anatomy
Pelvic Anatomy & Neuroanatomy: understanding pelvic neuralgias (93:14)
The Vulva Gallery (23:32)
Outcome Measures and Assessment Strategies (54:31)
Anatomy of Pelvic Pain - the Bio in BioPsychoSocial (34:10)
Check Your Learning: Pelvic Maps (12:51)
Interview with Sue Croft about anxiety/ stress and pelvic pain (60:21)
End Of Module Quiz
BONUS: sneak peek from the Female Colorectal Function module (31:57)
Perineal Nerve Map
Bladder Pain Syndrome/ Interstitial Cystitis
Bladder Pain Syndrome/ IC - part1 and 2022 RESEARCH UPDATE (61:57)
BPS/IC - The Mind Body Prescription - integrating education, mindfulness, nutrition & lifestyle & 2022 RESEARCH UPDATE (86:54)
BPS/IC - part 3: The Role of Manual Therapy in a BioPsychoSocial Framework 2022 RESEARCH UPDATE (81:18)
Interview with Nicole Cozean, 'The Interstitial Cystitis Solution' (37:14)
Bladder Diary Template
End of Module Quiz
Menstrual Health
Understanding Female Reproductive Hormones (51:20)
Menstruation and Dysmennorhea (38:00)
PCOS - Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (47:14)
Interview with Fiona Rogers about TENS for dysmennorhea (35:26)
Interview with Nicole Jardim - Optimal Menstrual Health (47:04)
Bonus: Do Less Discussion on Activity Planning & Menstrual Cycle (36:35)
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Understanding Endo & Endo Rx: Medical approach (60:54)
Treatment Approaches: part 2 - surgery: laps, hysterectomies (72:16)
Lowering The Inflammatory Load: Food, Movt, Sleep, Stress Rx (53:08)
Endo and Nerve Pain...what can we do? (11:58)
Video/ Podcast Resources- interviews with Beck OHara, Amy Stein and Lori Forner (56:41)
Endo Updates & Bonus Material!
Bonus Material from 'Brain Training for Pelvic Health' (71:12)
Endo Research Update (78:29)
Lyons, M (2024) 'Physiotherapy Management of Endometriosis & Menstrual Pain'
Lyons 2024 Paper
Vulvar Pain: vulvodynia & vestibulodynia & differential diagnoses
Vulvar Pain - assessment and treatment 2022 RESEARCH UPDATE (77:01)
Self Care for Vulvar Pain (44:39)
Female Sexual Health & Wellness (34:28)
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BONUS TIME! A Polyvagal and Movement Based Approach To Pelvic Pain
Polyvagal and Movement Strategies (53:12)
The Microbiome, Mental Health & The Vagus (from the new Bowel Health & Women's Health Course) (31:53)
Central Sensitisation & Pelvic Pain
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